1997 | "Small format", Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic |
1997 | "Studio of entire sculpture", Hrádek nad Moravicí, Czech Republic |
1998 | "Ledeburg gardens", Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Czech Republic |
2000 | "Pictures and sculptures", Riedl house, Desná v Jizerských horách, Czech Republic "Belveder", Prague Castle, Prague, Czech Republic |
2001 | "Cca 18", Gallery Mánes, Prague, Czech Republic |
2003 | "Glass", Town Gallery, Rychnov u Jablonce nad Nisou, Czech Republic Glas Exibition, Museum Alter Hof Herding-Ersting Stiftung, Cloesfeld-Lette, Deutschland |
2004 | "New Czech glass", Heller Gallery, New York, USA |
2005 | "MAVA", Alcorcon, Spain "La Eskuela Checa de Vidrio de Zelezny Brod", Museum de Vidrio se San Ildefonso o La Granja, Segovia, Spain "Art Prague", Gallery Mánes, Prague, Czech Republic |
2006 | "15/15", Gallery My, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic "Art Prague", Gallery Mánes, Prague, Czech Republic "Glass and Light", UPM Prague, Czech Republic "Selfportrait", Gallery My, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic |
2007 | "Art Prague", Gallery Mánes, Prague, Czech Republic "LUMEN, LUMEN II…", Dominican monastery, Krakow, Poland |